World Youth Meeting 2024

Living Pursuit of World Peace


Online Presenters/Speakers Only

Please access the YouTube Live if you are an audience. Do not access the links below. 視聴のみの方は以下にアクセスせず、YouTube Liveでご視聴ください。

August 6: Collaborative Presentation

  • C201, MC: Nihon Fukushi University
  • C202, MC: Fukui Commercial High School

August 7: Discussion Session 10:30-11:00, 11:10-11:40

They have 7 sections

  • C401: ICT Education: Khmer Workshop, Teacher Training Center in Cambodia
  • C404: Why Do We Learn Japanese? Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku
  • C406:
  • C407:
  • C408:
  • C409:
  • C410:
